Where's My Xanax?

~Mustache or No Mustache~

on November 10, 2014

So, Do you love them or hate them?

Inquiring minds aka ME are curious to know.

13 responses to “~Mustache or No Mustache~

  1. disconcerted72 says:

    I’ve worn them from time to time.
    But when I’ve preferred men that did not have one…hypocritical, maybe?

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Alanna says:

    I love them on some guys but kissing is itchy lol


  3. I’m not for them as much as most, I dig those clean cut military boys 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. emmathers says:

    Reblogged this on dewdropper bopper and commented:
    It has to be a fully beard with a mustache. I cannot do mustaches by themselves, I don’t know why. Guess it’s because it took a whole year for my boyfriend to spawn a mustache and the beard followed. Plus beards are great for storing snacks.
    Thanks, where’s my xanax…?? I don’t know if it helped at all.

    Any more opinions?


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